1600 gallon IBC Rainwater system
We drew up the plans on harvesting with 1600 gallons (= 6000 Liters) in IBC rainwater storage, a natural wadi with a water capacity of well over 1100 cubic feet (= 32m3), and 3 separate rainpillars of 275 gallons (1000L) each.
Overgrown hedge solution
The initial question when I arrived was if I could remove this entire hedge and replace it for a regular wooden fence.
From concrete to green
The redesign process for a backyard by removing almost all the tiles and add in a lot of new greenery
Permaculture garden Noordwijk
When I came to this place, there was an immediate match between me and the clients. They were very interested in the food forestry principles and wanted to learn more about how to transform their yard into a little green permaculture oasis.